1.1. The Club is hereby constituted as a juristic person independently of its members, and having
1.2. perpetual succession;
1.3. the right to sue and be sued in its own name; and
1.4. the right to own property in its own name.
2.1. The name of the Club is “Infusion Social Club” hereinafter referred to as “The Club”. The Office of the Club shall be in Cape Town or in such other place as the Members of the Club may from time to time determine.
The objects of The Club are:
3.1. To give members access to legal, fully traceable Cannabis products, by brokering transactions between growers and members.
3.2. To provide a Clubhouse and other amenities and services in connection with activities of The Club and its Members.
3.3. To hold or arrange events, campaigns, gatherings and competitions, and offer and grant or contribute towards the provision of prizes, awards and distinctions.
3.4. To buy, sell and deal in all kinds of apparatus and all kinds of provisions, liquid and solid, required by persons frequenting the Club grounds and event venues.
3.5. To purchase, take on lease or otherwise acquire any movable or immovable property which may be requisite for the purposes of or capable of being conveniently used in connection with the objects of the Club.
3.6. To borrow and raise money in such a manner as the Club shall think fit, and in particular by means of subscriptions, mortgage bonds, and debentures, charged upon the whole or any part of the property, assets, and revenue of the Club, both present and future, and to give and grant to the subscribers, mortgagees, debenture holders, and others, all such rights, benefits and privileges as the Club may deem fit to give and grant.
3.7. To construct, inaugurate or promote Sub-Clubs, and to grant to any such Sub-Clubs any benefits or privileges which may be requisite or necessary, and to enter into arrangements or contracts with any person, Club, Sub-Club, or body, for the promotion of culture or for mutual interest,
3.8. To let out or hire The Club’s property or any portion thereof or any of the improvements thereon, for any purpose whatsoever.
3.9. To facilitate training in and exposure to any cultural activities.
3.10. To charge for admission to the Club’s grounds, premises and venues as and when required.
3.11. To fulfil all the usual objects of a Social Club, and to do all such things and carry out all such undertakings as may be necessary for or incidental to such objects.
3.12. To utilise its property and funds solely for the objects for which the Club was established or for investment and in no circumstances to distribute any of the Club’s profits or gains to any person.
3.13. To facilitate a Stokvel platform, registered with the National Stokvel Association of South Africa (NASASA) and authorised by the South African Reserve Bank in terms of Government Notice 404 in Gazette 35368 25 May 2012, for members to pool funds and resources with a common purpose and outcome.
Membership of the Club shall be open to all persons over 18 years of age, with shared cultural interest, and in possession of a valid identification- or travel document. Membership fees are billed monthly and are payable to Infusion annually, or by monthly debit order, or daily against Member’s account in store. A receipt from the Club shall be sufficient discharge for any money due to the Club. These membership fees and subscriptions shall be as determined by Infusion and it may in its discretion, and if it deems it necessary and in the interests of The Club, increase any or all membership fees or subscriptions payable by any or all the Members by any amount.
The Subscriptions of all categories, if any, shall be billed monthly and are payable to the member’s local Infusion annually, or by monthly debit order, or daily against Member’s account in store. A receipt from Infusion shall be sufficient discharge for any money due to the Club.
6.1. ORDINARY MEMBERS, being Members who have reached the age of 18 with full rights to participate in and to enjoy the cultural events and activities, social and other facilities provided by the Club.
6.2. SENIOR ORDINARY MEMBERS, being Members who have reached the age of 65 years and who will be entitled to full rights to participate in the facilities provided by the Club on payment of such reduced subscriptions as Infusion may from time to time determine.
6.3. SOCIAL MEMBERS, being Members who may not participate actively at the Club in any of the branches of cultural activities provided but who have full rights to enjoy the social and other facilities provided by the Club on payment of such subscription fees as the Club may from time to time determine.
Infusion shall be responsible for and shall ensure that the Club always maintains complete and proper records of its property and affairs, including a register of its Members.
The number of Members of all categories shall not exceed such number as Infusion may from time to time decide upon, and the number of Members of any one or other of the categories of membership set forth in Rule 4 shall not exceed such number as Infusion may from time to time decide.
If any Member fails to pay his or her monthly membership fee or subscriptions within one (1) month after the due date, they will receive a notification. If the failure to pay is not remedied within 7 (seven) days of first notice by the Club the defaulter shall cease to be a Member of the Club, and his or her name shall be erased from the list of Members accordingly. Infusion may, however, reinstate such defaulter on payment by the defaulter of all membership fees and subscriptions in arrears, or on such condition as Infusion may deem fit. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained or implied in these Rules, no Member shall be entitled to any of the privileges of the Club if his or her subscription is in arrears.
Membership does not and shall not give to any Member of any category any right, title, interest, claim or demand in or to any of the moneys, property or assets of the Club, but only confers upon such Member the right and privilege of entering in and upon the grounds and improvements of the Club, and of using and enjoying these facilities, subject to such reasonable restrictions as Infusion may from time to time impose, and subject to the Rules, Regulations and By-Laws of the Club from time to time in force; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall prevent Infusion and the Club from charging an entrance fee or fees in respect of the grounds or buildings of the Club, or any portion or portions thereof, which may be used for events, special purposes or let out.
The liability of a Member of the Club for the debts and obligations of the Club is limited to the payment of the aggregate of any amounts owing from time to time by such Member to the Club.
12.1. Membership of all categories shall be open to all individuals that meet the requirements for each category and as approved by Infusion.
12.2. Should a candidate, being ineligible for any reason whatsoever, be inadvertently admitted as a Member of any category, Infusion may declare his or her membership void, and shall give him or her immediate notice to that effect and shall return his or her subscription fees.
An application for membership signed by a candidate (or if applicable, signed by his or her legal guardian, or completing an official online application) shall constitute a complete, irrevocable and distinct acknowledgment on the part of such candidate that he or she is bound by the Rules and Regulations of the Club and all By-laws that have been or may hereafter be made, and that he or she accepts the ruling Infusion in all cases, and no person shall be absolved from the effect of these Rules on the plea of not having received or read a copy of them or any of them.
Members will be issued with temporary and or permanent membership cards. Members must produce their cards whenever called upon by an official of the Club to do so. Refusal or inability to produce his or her card may deprive such Member of the privileges of membership on that occasion.
Any Member intending to resign his or her Membership of the Club, shall notify such intention in writing to the Club prior to the date upon which his or her subscription becomes due.
Any Member who resigns and who thereafter wishes to have his or her membership reinstated shall apply to the Club and Infusion may reinstate such membership at its discretion on such conditions as it may deem fit.
Should any Member of any category fail to pay any sum of money (other than subscriptions) due to the Club within seven (7) days after due notice has been sent to him or her, the Committee shall have the right not only to take legal proceedings against such Member for the recovery of the sum due, but also to suspend such Member for such period as it may deem fit, or otherwise deal with him or her.
Infusion shall have the right of its own accord or upon application from any Member giving one (1) months’ notice thereof, to transfer membership from one category to another. In effecting such transfer Infusion shall decide upon the adjustment of the membership fee, if any, to be paid by the Member.
It shall be permitted for the Members of any category or classes to associate themselves together, with the permission of the Committee of the Club, for the purpose of carrying on any particular cultural practice. Such associations are herein referred to as “Sub-Clubs”. The Rules and Regulations of the Sub-Clubs may not be in conflict with these presents and shall be subject to the approval of the Committee of the Club. The internal control and management of each Sub-Club shall be vested in a Committee elected by the Active Members thereof.
20.1. Every Member of the Club of any class may upon application to the Club and subject to the approval of the Committee of the Club, become a member of any of the Sub-Clubs. Payment of any levies which may be or become payable to such Sub-Club will be determined in accordance with the rules.
20.2. Should the Committee consider that the active members of any Sub-Club are not numerically sufficient, or that due interest is not being taken in such Sub-Club by its active members, or that the Sub-Club is for any reason no longer viable or the Sub-Club fails to hold an annual general meeting or in any other way defaults in the performance of any of its obligations in terms of the Constitution then the Committee may dissolve such Sub-Clubs, after giving the Sub-Club so concerned one (1) months’ notice of its intention to do so.
These Rules or any other Rules that the Club may hereafter bring into force may be added to, varied, altered, amended or modified by resolution of a majority of two-thirds of the votes of the Members present in person at a General or Special General Meeting.